Hope Restored:

Name: Nanduja (not real name) Age: 15Years

Nanduja was just a typical teenager, dreaming of finishing school and becoming a nurse. But her life took a drastic turn when she was lured by a trafficker who promised her a job in the city. Instead, she was forced to work in a factory with no pay and no freedom.
For months, Nanduja was trapped in this nightmare, her hope dwindling with each passing day. She was isolated from her family and friends, and her captors controlled every aspect of her life.

But one day, the authorities raided the factory due to multiple complaints and Nanduja was finally rescued! ITU was contacted to offer support to her. She was referred for shelter services, received medical care, counselling and legal services. With the help of the organization, Nanduja began to rebuild her life. She was enrolled in a nursing school where her dream of becoming a nurse was revived. She hopes to become a counsellor to help young people as herself who have experienced traumatic experiences heal and become better citizen.

Nanduja’s story is a testament to the impact of rescue, restoration and empowerment. With the help of ITU and its dedicated staff, she was able to overcome the trauma of labor exploitation and reclaim her life.

Nanduja’s story shows that even in the darkest situations, there is always hope for a bright future. With support and empowerment, survivors of labor trafficking can heal, rebuild and thrive!Hope Restored: Nanduja’s story shows that even in the darkest situations, there is always hope for a bright future. With support and empowerment, survivors of labor trafficking can heal, rebuild and thrive!

Hope Restored:

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