Impactful Voices

While maintaining the privacy and dignity of the survivor, Let’s call her “Akello” (not her real name).

Akello was 19 years old from a rural village in Uganda. She was gang-raped by four men while walking home from a community event. The traumatic experience left her feeling shattered, ashamed and alone. Akello reported the case to police hoping that her tormentors would be arrested and brought to book but she had no clue to who it was. Police investigations yielded no positive results that could give her the justice she was seeking.

Fortunately, police referred Akello to ITU for victim support services. ITU staff were glad to reach out to her and offer the support that she desperately needed. ITU provided a safe space for Akello to share her story and receive counselling from our trained professionals.

With ITU’s help, Akello begun to heal and rebuild her life. She joined our support group for survivors of sexual violence, where she connected with others who had gone through similar experiences. She also received medical care, legal assistance and vocational training in tailoring. Today Akello is a confident and thriving young woman. She has started her own tailoring business, employs other young women, and continues to advocate for an end to sexual violence in her community.

Akello’s testament is the power of support, empowerment, and community. With the help of ITU, she was able to transform her trauma into triumph and become a bacon of hope for others.

— Team Inspire

Please note that this story is a fictional representation, but it is based on real-life experiences of survivors who have benefited from ITU’s youth empowerment programs.

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